Part 22: - Everyone Hates Derek
22 - Everyone Hates Derek
Music: On the Cutting Edge of Medicine.)
"There's a section of its DNA that can be easily altered. By injecting a nanomachine, we may be able to convince it to self-destruct. But, there's a part of the nanomachine that I just can't nail down... One of the programming strings is... ...complex. Therefore, I need your help."
"What do we need to do...?"
This reminds me of a puzzle...
"It's pretty easy, but I need to see how other people solve it."
The idea of using simple puzzles to solve complex biochemical problems is not at all fiction. In fact, last year, gamers using managed to model the Mason-Pfzier Monkey virus retroviral protease in only three weeks by solving puzzles and compiling their answers - something scientists had been trying to do for ten years.
"A genius like me would obviously choose the quickest solution... But, I need someone like you, who's... uh... you know... you're..."
The example above is a huge breakthrough for HIV research. In this case, we're trying to find a breakthrough in Pempti treatment.
"...Someone who's not quite as adept at academic study."
"(If you think I'm an idiot, just say so!)"
"I'll be recording each one of your solutions. Just relax... All you need to do is solve the puzzle. Good luck!"
Some other members of Caduceus will also be solving the puzzle. There's no time limit for this operation, so you can take as long as you like. Let's see how Derek does...
"...Okay, let's give it a try..."
(Watch This Operation: Mission 4-7, S Rank, Only Solution)
Music: On the Cutting Edge of Medicine.)
"Just placing the pieces anywhere won't count."
What we need to do is put the pieces in the slots in such a way that they have the same pattern as the honeycomb-like solution at the top. Let's see...
"..You're not very good at puzzles, are you, Doctor...?"
Shut up, Angie, nobody asked for your opinion!
"Ready for some dinner, Derek...?"
"...Dude, are you STILL working on that? I could just tell you the answer..."
And after about five minutes...
Ha, he took so long that his answer is useless.
Here's what the whole background, unique to this part of the game, looks like. Of course I solved the puzzle instantly, but it's much more rewarding to fail here and wait for staff to come by and laugh at you.
"In that case.. I just need to think backwards! Thank you, Dr. Stiles. I think I can use a simple program that shouldn't take long to code. (...Damn it! Two men shouldn't be able to outwit a genius!)"
He must be talking about Chase and Clarks.
"Let's get started right away. No sleep tonight, guys!"
Researchers: "Ahhh, man..."
"I have a few theories about this Pempti thing, and I've prepared appropriate countermeasures. I'll explain those now."
"'s safe to assume this thing is impossible to remove directly. But, the artificial DNA structure at its root has a distinct weakness. It collapses when attacked from a three-dimensional angle."
"So, I developed a nanomachine to exploit that very weakness. By slightly altering its DNA, we can instigate necrosis. Basically, we'll drive it to suicide."
I think instigating "apoptosis" would have been a better choice of words here. Apoptosis in normal cells is, more or less, when the DNA replication cycle has been disrupted to the point where it must self-destruct or else become a cancer cell. Some research has shown that cancer cells can be fooled to undergo apoptosis when injected with enzymes or such things. This must be what Victor is trying to do with his nanomachine.
"I tried it on a sample, and the effect was immediate. Within four seconds, its mass had been halved... After seven, 91% of it had been completely destroyed. See, the GUILT's rapid regeneration rate only transfers the suicidal DNA that much faster. If we can shrink it down that way, excision should be cake."
There's a line I'm definitely going to use during surgery in the future. "Excision should be cake."
"So, our objectives are simple: -Perform a lobectomy and inject the nanomachine directly. -Then, excise the GUILT and any surrounding tissue. So, that's the plan, Chief. Any objections?"
"It sounds like our best option. Derek, prepare for surgery."
I wonder if there's anything different about Anderson's chart? Nah, must be my imagination.
Watch This Operation: Mission 4-8, S Rank.)
Music: Gangliated Utrophin Immuno-Latency Toxin (GUILT))
This operation, the vitals are capped at 90.
"Administer it slowly. We don't know how the GUILT will react."
"Okay, it's working! Continue the injection!"
Same deal with the throat surgery from the first chapter: gel, THEN laser.
"Excise the Pempti at its minimum size, along with a small sample of lung tissue."
But before you can pick up the scalpel...
"Is that the Pempti core...? Quick, use the laser!"
"It's no longer active. Now we can excise it without harming the-"
"That core Pempti is controlling the rest of the cells. Arg... I screwed up, Derek. I might have to apologize, later... but, give me one more chance! I know I can figure this out! Use the nanomachine again: let's drag the core out...!"
...If that isn't supposed to be a giant eyeball, I'm not sure what to tell you right now.
"Hmph... Not half bad. Looking good, Derek. You're getting the hang of this operation thing."
And, like before, it restores itself to its original size.
"No... Way...! DAMN! Try it again, Derek!"
"We have to abort this procedure."
Chief! I was almost--"
"His body can't handle any more! You have to stop! This is an order."
"...Damn... Stitch him up, Derek..."
"Damn! This is bad!"
And sadly, we end this operation having accomplished nothing.
"How could I be so stupid?! They have an obvious flaw in their DNA... so of COURSE they have a system to reinforce it! DAMN IT! Stupid... I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake!"
"When are you going to grow up?! We all make mistakes, Victor. At least Derek was able to retrieve a sample of the GUILT for us. Could you use that to create a more effective treatment?"
"Of course I can! Grr... That virus is gonna' pay for making a fool outta me...!"
Or whatever the hell we've decided it is.
Next Time: We give Pempti research one more shot.